-Start by completing our campus tobacco-use policy survey. Help us reach our goal of 3,000 survey respondents! Ask friends, classmates, club members, dorm mates, sorority sisters, fraternity brothers, teachers, staff members... virtually anyone associated with UT to participate. Share our survey link - Directly or indirectly, campus tobacco policy effects all of our lives!

-Become a fan of our Facebook group to receive updates on campaign events. Follow us on Twitter @TobaccoFreeTX.

Help out with our projects! If you are interested participating in any of the following projects or have an idea of your own, email us at

      - If you are student and either an ex-tobacco user or are in the process of quitting (at any point in this process), we would like to hear your story and share it with other students who may be encountering similar challenges you faced and/or are currently facing.

     - If you have a personal story about the negative health effects of tobacco use or have family or friends that have been affected and would like to help prevent others from experiencing similar adversities, we invite you to contribute your story to our educational media.

    - We will be developing a peer-support mechanism over the summer for students trying to quit using tobacco products, and will be implementing this program in the fall.

    - We will be conducting events on campus during the upcoming (fall) semester to raise awareness around the effects of tobacco use.

For further questions and detailed information, please contact 832-387-7016.