Tobacco-Free Texas is an initiative of Texas Public Health (TPH), a student organization at the University of Texas at Austin dedicated to improving the health of our community and environment. Through Tobacco-Free Texas, TPH aspires to achieve policy changes that will minimize the harmful effects of tobacco use on the University of Texas community. Hundreds of institutions of higher education across the country have already eliminated on-campus tobacco use. As a leading institution, it is our turn to make a difference--and as one of the largest institutions in the country, we have a unique opportunity to significantly improve human health and an environment shared by countless students, faculty, staff, and visitors.

Tobacco-Free Texas will serve the following functions:
-Listen: conduct a large survey of student, faculty, and staff opinions regarding tobacco use on campus
-Inform: bring awareness to the effects of tobacco use on our community and the Center for Disease Control’s recommendations for best practices regarding campus tobacco use policies.
-Change: present our survey findings along with current scientific evidence to governing bodies at the University of Texas at Austin; alter campus culture around tobacco use and ultimately reduce student tobacco use via a media campaign.
-Support: provide peer support for students in their efforts to quit using tobacco products.